Board Games
The Perfect Co-operative Game is Coming in for Landing!

Level Up Birthday and John’s Creek Grand Opening

March 4th marks the fourth year of Level Up’s beginnings and the grand opening of our newest location in John’s Creek. It’s been a challenging four years with the “plague that shall not be mentioned” and through it all you, the amazing loyal customer, have helped us grow from a small store into three! We cannot express our gratitude enough and are humbled by the awesome community that has supported Level Up.
Please come out on March 4th for special events, prizes, fun stuff, and just say hi and let us thank you for making it all happen. Our John’s Creek will be kicking off with an appearance by the DeLorean and the 1989 Batmobile and BATMAN himself!!! Please check out our Facebook and Discord pages for specifics and we hope you can come celebrate with us.

Paragon Program

A Paragon is a person viewed as a model of excellence and with that philosophy we are pleased to announce our Paragon program. Paragons are people who will represent their respective game at our store. They are a model example of passion, knowledge, and genuine love for the game they play. They are not employees of Level Up, but rather an ambassador to help everyone learn, play, grow our community, and enjoy our favorite games.

Our first Paragon is our good friend, John Keenan. John has been a long time fixture in the Atlanta Warhammer community and anyone who has played for any length of time knows him to be a consummate person. He loves his Space Wolves almost as much as his White Scars, Imperial Guard, really anything imperial! He also has a mean Ork force and loves to get his figures to the table. John will be available Thursdays from 3pm-9pm to dispense painting tips, discuss lore, and throw down in you’re looking for a pickup game. Please welcome our Warhammer Paragon by stopping in and greeting Mr. Keenan!
If you’re interested in becoming a Paragon and supporting your community, please email us at Paragons enjoy many perks for working in collaboration with Level Up and we’re proud to have people who are passionate about their hobby!