What to expect from MTG: Foundations
MTG: Foundations, set for release in November, is designed to serve as a common base for new and returning magic players to build their collections.

If you’re thinking about building your first deck, or you recently got into the hobby during Bloomburrow and Duskmourn’s release, the cards and products in Foundations have been carefully curated to be excellent tools to expand on those first few packs or commander decks you picked up.
What exactly does that mean?
This means that card types and colors will be presented in clear and distinct ways. Some MTG sets will bend, break, or experiment with players’ expectations so that certain themes or new game mechanics can excite players.
The MTG colors you either already know and love or are coming to know will operate in a very ” first-principles” way. These colors are Blue, Red, Green, Black, and White. Most cards fall under one or more color identities and act accordingly. MTG: Foundations is the perfect set to crack open a few packs and discover how these colors interact in a game, what they typically do, and what players they are trying to appeal to.
For example, expect Green identity cards in Foundations to do the things Green is famous for: BIG monsters, making extra mana – also known as “ramping”- to be able to play those monsters, and powering up their creatures’ stats.

That isn’t to say there won’t be complex and exciting strategies in Foundations—far from it—but these strategies and game pieces will lend themselves to the deep DNA that makes the game’s color ecosystem tick.
Sound Interesting? Here’s how to start playing with MTG Foundations
Here’s the breakdown of what items MTG: Foundations is bringing, starting with the two items explicitly designed for the brand-new or newer MTG player.
Beginner Box: A guided tutorial for one or two players that boosts your collection

If you’ve seen some YouTube clips and are interested in MTG or have a buddy begging you to come to Friday Night Magic but haven’t pulled the trigger yet, the Beginner Box is for you! Its two key items are a pair of guided tutorial game decks and 10 Jumpstart packs.
20 card tutorial game decks (Cats and Vampires) come with a step-by-step guide booklet to walk you through your first five turns.
Once players have a basic understanding of the game, they can jump into their first pack openings! Jumpstart packs are simple. They are predetermined-themed sets opened in pairs and shuffled together to make a deck. Ten packs mean five deck experiences for each player to create, pilot, and add to their collections!
Starter Collection:+350 cards and 3 play booster packs that immediately boost your deckbuilding tools and let you explore MTG’s history. Perfect for altering your store-bought or pre-release deck.

The Starter Collection is the perfect boost for the MTG player who has played a few Commander games with their Bloomburrow or Duskmourn pre-assembled decks (those decks you bought in-store that were ready out-of-the-box) and wants to add some customization and personal flair to them or jump into the standard format after playing at pre-release.
Each copy comes with +350 cards from MTG’s past. This breadth of choice lets you discover what art, mechanics, and themes inspire you to create new decks!
There are also 3 MTG: Foundations Play Boosters to add to the excitement, tokens cards, and more inside!
MTG: Foundations Play Booster Boxes: Exciting packs that may contain rare and foiled cards - can be used to draft, play sealed, or add to your collection for other formats.

Play boosters are the definitive way to discover a new MTG set. Crack some packs to see what you get, add to your collection, and get inspired by your pulls. Great for new and returning MTG players to boost their collection with chances at foil and higher rarity cards.
Play Booster contents:
14 Magic: The Gathering cards
6–9 Commons
4–5 Uncommons
1–4 Rares or mythic rares
1 Card of any rarity is a traditional foil
MTG: Foundations Collector Booster Box: This is for those wanting maximum collectability - booster packs with chances for the juiciest rare cards cranked to the max!

Collector Boosters offer the highest chances for the most sought-after foils, rares, and special treatment cards. You can open fracture foil Japan Showcase cards, mana foils, and extended-art cards in Foundations Collector Boosters. These boxes are great for those wanting to fully bling out their decks or as a jaw-dropping gift to the planeswalker in your life!
Collector Booster contents:
15 Magic: The Gathering cards
12–13 Traditional foil cards
Includes 5 cards of rarity rare or higher and 4 uncommons, 5 commons, and 1 land
Fracture foil Japan Showcase card in < 1% of boosters
Now Let's Play!
If I’ve done my job, you now understand what to expect from MTG: Foundations. If you’d like to swing by our Level Up Games locations to join in on the fun, I’ll leave you with a few events you can check out.
-If you want to try a sealed event, where you build a deck using a few card packs from MTG: Foundations, sign up for our MTG: Foundations Pre-Release events. This is your first chance to play with a new MTG set. The first day of these events is also the day LUG locations may sell a new set:
Dawsonville: November 8th – 9th
Johns Creek: November 8th & 10th
-If you want to check out our weekly MTG events at our locations, head to our Discord and see our “Weekly Events” channel to pick a day to meet our community.
You can see exactly what is waiting for you in MTG: Foundations on MTG’s Card Image Gallery.
And welcome to our MTG community!