Necromolds: Breaking the Mold with Family Wargaming
Many people love miniature games like Warhammer: 40k, but they are often seen as too dense—certainly too dense for the kids play alongside their parents.
But worry not, fathers wanting to introduce their loved ones to the hobby and those looking to grab a gift for the upcoming Father’s Day this weekend, Necromolds makes for a perfect entrypoint for the hobby!

Build your Army - Literally
Necromolds gets kids interested from the first moment of play. There are no point-buy systems to bog down setup — players use their “Spell Clay” and “Spell Books” to create their armies. When you’re out of clay, that’s your army!
Kids (and parents!) get to enjoy the tactile fun of creating their monsters while they are introduced to the basics of the hobby. You can only make so many guys after all —so players must decide how many big guys they want vs how many smaller monsters they could have swarming the battlefield.
These are the important choices in any wargamers life!

Smashing Good Times
Not only does this clay mold mini design make army building easy… IT MAKES ARMY SMASHING BETTER! When a monster is defeated, players will smash it down with their “Caster Ring” to create new terrain players need to factor in to their future battleplans.

Teirs of Play and Game Length
Gameplay comes in 3 tiers of complexity to ensure you and your family get through games engaged and enjoy the battle no matter who’s playing!
Overall, you can expect an easy-to-learn gameplay system with all the fundamentals of wargaming that wraps up a battle in an hour or so.

Come by to Grab your Copy Today!
The two-player corebox is available at the Johns Creek, Duluth, and Athens Level Up Games locations now for $59.99 with expansions in Duluth!