Arkham Horror RPG – Pulpy Action in the Cthulhu Mythos
If you’re brand new to Lovecraftian horror, an extensive fan of the Arkham Horror board game, or well-versed in all things unknowably horrible, the new Arkham Horror: RPG will fit snugly on your game shelf!
Today, we will be going over a few key aspects of this new role-playing game that excites us and makes it stand out among the other horror-themed RPGs out there.

Firstly, and most importantly, Arkham Horror: The Role Playing Game is defined by its pulpy nature — sensational action, fast-paced narrative, and grand stories.
In this game system, you can be driven mad, die, and end your investigation a husk of a person, just like any other Cthulhu horror RPG.
However, you are NOT playing as average Joes and Janes who are not expected to survive the campaign; you are playing heroic individuals who have a chance at not only surviving but also winning against the monstrosities they face.
“I see your tentacles and spells from The Beyond, and I raise you a Winchester rifle, an incantation I just learned from this totally safe book, and good ole human determination to not die!”
These heroes will investigate and battle unknowable horrors using the game’s unique Dynamic Pool System, Skills, and “Knacks” … or die trying!

Every character has access to the same ten skills; Agility, Athletics, Wits, Presence, Intuition, Knowledge, Resolve, Melee Combat, Ranged Combat, and Lore. Characters use these skills to perform actions.
Rankings in these skills determine how easy related actions will be, but note that everyone can attempt to perform the same task no matter their associated skill rank.

Knacks are special defining features of your character that let them tackle their adventures uniquely.
For example, the Mental Focus knack shown above is a straightforward ability that lets cerebral characters show off their mental fortitude and quick wits.

The game runs off the Dynamic Pool System, a brand-new system for Arkham Horror: RPG.
Each character has a dynamic pool of dice that they can spend to acomplish actions on their adventure. Characters spend dice by removing them from their pool, sometimes rolling them, but sometimes just removing them is enough. The pulpy action of the title means pools empty quickly. Pools replenish at the start of each turn or narrative scene.

However, your dice refill rate is effected by any damages you’ve sustained!
Characters can work around this restriction and restore the size of their dice pool at any time…at the cost of a more permanent injury. A small price to pay when your mind is being melted!
Your dice pool can also become polluted by Horror Dice if a horrific encounter shakes your character. Horror dice MUST be placed in your pool as you refill it, can’t be rerolled, and add some horrific spice to rolls of 1.

If your interest is piqued, come in to grab the Arkham Horror: RPG Starter Kit, which is available now at all Level Up Games locations!
It contains everything you need to play, including plenty of dice, character sheets, a full story, physical clues + puzzles, and plenty more for $34.99!